First, especially for anyone offended by the content here, we are NOT officially associated with Cool Effect. We don’t work for them, and this was not their idea. We just have a tonne (get it?) of respect for the work they do and think they should be robustly funded.
This stuff is complicated, y’all. We’re not interested in getting bogged down. We’re interested in keeping it easy for you and us. We’re rounding, estimating, guessing, and essentially having fun with numbers. But you get the idea.
An estimate about how much carbon a project or a material or a flight produces could vary wildly and the cost to offset that estimate will depend on what you are doing to offset it (planting a tree or buying a solar panel). So we’re using the average that Cool Effect uses on their home page, which is $7.85 per tonne.
We’re too lazy to distinguish between tons and tonnes (metric tons).We are just doing basic Internet research on the facts and figures of Trump’s climate impact. We are not scientists (those highly intelligent and educated people whom climate deniers think they know better than). But that isn’t the point anyway, is it. The point is to rally together to do something about climate change and not argue amongst ourselves about how we arrived at some figures. We’re closer to the truth than a Trump State of the Union address. Again, Cool Effects actually does do real science you can rely on.