
As inhabitants of this planet, most of us are becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of climate change. For many of us that awareness comes with a sense of despair. What can we possibly do as individuals that will make the situation better?

Fortunately there are very simple actions we can take that will help, and it turns out that taking action also helps with the despair. We can ride our bike once in a while instead of jumping in the car. We can adjust the temperature on the thermostat. We can plant flowers that feed the birds and the bees and the butterflies.

We can also purchase carbon offsets, which turns out to be really easy.

And every time we do something, and then also find a way to talk about it, we make it more likely that others will join us in that behavior. The tide is turning. We just have to support each other’s instinct to do the right thing. Unfortunately one of the small minority of people who just don’t get it happens to be the 45th President of the United States. His relentless, determined rollback of environmental protections is endangering the future of life on the planet in ways no one else has the power to perpetrate.

But, again, we’re not helpless. We can choose to shout into the wind, to rail against our fate, or together we can do something simple to offset his damage. We can literally offset Trump. We invite you to join us (for as little as $10.00) in pooling our money to frustrate his attempts to make our lives miserable. Interested? Check it out.